The Student Press Law Centre has Endorsed the SPFA
The SPFA Campaign is proud to announce that the British Columbia Student Press Freedom Act has been officially endorsed by the Student Press Law Centre, based in Washington, DC.
The Student Press Law Center is the SPFA’s first official endorsement.
From the SPLC’s website:
“Founded in 1974, the Student Press Law Center is an independent, non-partisan 501c(3) which works to promote, support and defend the First Amendment and press freedom rights of high school and college journalists and their advisers. The SPLC is a national organization based in Washington, DC. The SPLC has a 15-member Board of Directors consisting of professional educators, journalists, lawyers, students and others who care deeply about student press freedom. SPLC also has a professional staff who run the legal hotline, design and implement programs, develop educational materials, and conduct training throughout the United States. The SPLC’s headquarters is in Washington, D.C. Over the years, SPLC has had a strong impact in protecting and promoting student press freedom. “
The SPLC’s New Voices legislation was the original student press freedom law, passed in 14 US states to date. The New Voices law was one of the primary reference documents during the draft process of the SPFA.