BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (BC FIPA) has recently nominated ourselves and the Student Press Freedom Act for the Peter Bryce Prize for Whistleblowing.

Awarded annually by the Centre for Free Expression, the Peter Bryce Prize recognizes individuals who speak up against wrongdoing and abuse of public trust to serve the public interest and the greater good.

This nomination, which can be read in full here on BC FIPA’s website, is not only a tremendous honour for ourselves and the campaign, but for all the individuals who work on our paper, The Griffins’ Nest, as well as student journalists everywhere. It recognizes the necessity and value of student journalists in the role they play in their communities and in holding power to account. We applaud student journalists both nationally and globally for their continued efforts and important work.

BC FIPA’s nomination is a nomination shared by student journalists.

We are deeply grateful for this nomination and appreciate BC FIPA’s continued support of the Student Press Freedom Act. We thank them and all those who have supported the Act thus far, and look forward to working the government in bringing the SPFA into provincial law in the near future.


New SPFA Endorsements


Why We Need The Student Press Freedom Act